Systematic Trading
Learn about How to build Systematic Trading Strategies , reduce your trading emotions and improve your trading discipline.
Custom Indicators
Build your own trading indicators for your discretionary trading and improve your trading profitability with better trading decisions.
Building Scanners
Build Realtime scanners and explore the trading and investing opportunities in realtime with your own trading rules.
Alerts & Dashboard
Alerts and Dashboard are the essentials for the traders/investors to track their trade setups, manage risk and visuailze the trading system profitability.
Strategy Backtesting
Backtest your trading ideas with know the nautre of the trading system and know the statistical edge before trading the strategy live.
Strategy Development
Design your trading strategy that suits your trading style. Design simple to complex trading systems with your creativity.
Strategy Optimization
Fine tune your trading strategy for enhanced returns and reduced your risk with smart optimization approach.
Strategy Evaluation
Check the robustness of the trading system, Learn the right way to perform walkforward testing & Montecarlo
Long/Short Strategy
Learn to Build Long/Short trend following strategy. Learn the pratical approach to capture the fat tails and the know how of building a robust long/short trading system.
Intraday Trading Strategy
Learn the quantative way to profit from the intraday trading techniques and how one can build intraday trading system to reduce their overnight carryforward risk.
Options Backtesting
Learn how to backtest various option spreads the right way and how to design and execute option trading systems and executing hedging strategies.
Pair Trading
Learn the Quantative way to implement statistical arbitrage based trading strategies aka pair trading and how to improve the reward and reduce the risk.
QUANTZILLA Basic Syllabus
Best-in-class content in the form of videos and theoritical sessions
Introduction to Quantitative Trading Development & Analysis
Initial Preparatory Setups/Installation Guidelines
Tools & Software Required
Coding Design & Prototype Building Instructions
Good Coding Practices & Managing Coding Versions
Basics of Amibroker AFL Programming.
Understanding AFL Editor & Code Snippets
Amibroker identifiers, constants, operators
Amibroker Built-in Functions (Plot, PlotShape, LastValue, Cross, EMA)
How to Plot Trading Signals
Building Simple Scanners (Exploration)
Understanding Filter Variable, Addcolumn function, Add text column function
Customizing Scanners & Formatting Scanner output
Real-time Scanners
Difference between IIF, WriteIF, IF functions
How to Write Nested IIF Functions
Live Examples on Exploration (Live Coding)
How to compare Current data with past datasets
Where to Get the Complete list of Amibroker Built-in Functions Understanding Valuewhen Function
Understanding Barssince Function
Understanding HHV, LLV, Highest, Lowest, Highestsince, LowestSince Understanding Param Functions & Controls
Understanding Classical Indicators Built-in Functions (MACD, Bollinger, ATR, CCI..etc)
Understanding Exrem Function
Building Simple Donchian Channel Breakout Strategy
Building Your First Trading Strategy
Understanding Basic Building blocks in a trading strategy
Backtesting your trading strategy
Portfolio level backtesting
Backtesting Ema Crossover, Supertrend Trading System
Backtesting Vlintra V5 – Nifty & Bank Nifty 5min trend following system
CAGR Overview
Equity Curve and Drawdown
Maximum Drawdown and CAR/MDD
Risk-Adjusted Return
Sharp Ratio and Sortino Ratio
Payoff and Profit Factor
Recovery Factor
Different Backtesting modes available in Amibroker
Creating your Backtesting Template
Applying Stops and Targets to your Trading Strategy
Building First Intraday Trading Strategy
Building End of the Candle Execution Strategies
Basic optimization techniques
Building Non-Repainting Strategies
Building Intra-Bar Execution Strategies (Limit Order)
Understanding Multi timeframe Functions
How to Send Alerts to Output Window?
How to Send Voice Alert?
How to Send Sound Alert?
How to Send Popup Alert?
How to Send Alerts to Smartphones using Push Bullet?
How to use AlertIF, Say, PopupWindow, SendEmail, Play sound function?
How to Configure Gmail SMTP and How to Install SSL Addon tool for sending Email Alerts using Amibroker?
How to use ParamTrigger & Param Toggle Function and what are the core differences between the two?
How to use Javascript, VB Script inside Amibroker AFL?
What is Optimization? and How to Perform Optimization?
Exhaustive Optimization Vs Smart Optimization
Smart Optimizers SPSO, TRIBES, CMA-ES
What is Curve Fitting and How to Avoid Curve Fitting
What is Walk Forward Testing? and the Importance of Walk Forward Testing
Monte-Carlo simulation for Strategy Validation
Importance of Slippage Handling and other Transaction Cost Analysis
What is API?
How to Create API from Algomojo
What is Algomojo (Web Based Algo Trading Platform)
How to send Automated Orders using Broker API
How the Orders form Amibroker is sent via Broker API to Exchange
Amibroker Configuration Settings for Automated Trading
Video Links to Learn more about Algomojo Free API
Amibroker Low-Level GFX Functions
How to use the Set the font, Set the GFX background mode
How to use GFX Pen, Brush
How to understand co-ordinates
How to draw a Dashboard with Profit and Loss
Difference between Last value and Selected Value Function
Using the Status function to retrieve the pixel width and height
Difference between Barcount and Barindex
What is Quick AFL? How to turn off Quick AFL
How to use advance looping
How to plot trailing stop using the Advance loop method
Introduction to Advanced Looping
How to use Advance looping to plot Supertrend
Different Phases & Flags used in Advance looping to plot the Supertrend trailing stoploss
How to apply stop loss, profit target, N-Bar stop, Trailing Stop in Amibroker using Backtester Settings
How to use Applystop Function in Amibroker (Types, Modes of Stoploss)
How to plot initial stoploss
How to apply trace & tracef functions
How to use Amibroker AFL Debugger
Debugging Settings, Settings Breakpoints & Watching Variables
File Operations in Amibroker
Reading CSV,TXT files data using Amibroker
Exporting CSV,TXT files data from Amibroker Database
How to Backtest Pair Trading Strategies in Amibroker
Introduction to Correlation & Co-Integration Functions
Unit Root Testing
Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) Test
What are the challenged faced while coding multi-strike options backtesting
What are the solutions to fix multi-strike options backtesting
Sample code walkthrough and how to create a template for Multi-Strike Options Backtesting
How to Create a Portfolio of Symbols for Options Backtesting
Ideas to implement the backtesting for multiple years of Options data
Trade Management
Learn to find a trade set-up, determining allocation size and planning out the trade, then executing entry, monitoring and exits.
Position Management
Managing trades is a crucial part of finding success in trading. Learn to excel in managing the trade positions effectively with better execution rules.
Risk Management
Strong risk management for your strategies can mean the difference between profitability or going under. Gain answers on how to effectively manage risk within your portfolio.
Order Slicing
Learn to slice orders into small chunks that can be used when a huge trading order is divided into small portions (slices), which are then traded separately at different time during a trading day.
Trade Adjustments
Learn Trade Adjustment technique adjustment techniques which help you minimize your risk without eliminating the potential for profit.
Hedging offset the probability of loss from fluctuations in the prices of trading instruments with automated hedging and help traders to mitigate downside risk
Scalping the Spreads
Learn to build option scalping on the spreads and learn to design scalping strategies on the spreads and the know when to scalp under different market conditions.
Multi Leg Strategy
Learn to place algo orders for place order for 2 leg, 3 Leg and 4 Leg of Options and Futures strategies. This strategy can be used for executing Option strategies, Future-Future, Future –Option, Pair Trading and Rollover.
Arbitrage Strategies
Mean Reversal strategy that identifies medium and long term opportunities used to exploit financial markets that are out of equilibrium and assumes prices will eventually adjust to and reflect the fair value with certain predictability.
QUANTZILLA Advanced Syllabus
Best-in-class content in the form of videos and theoritical sessions
What is Quant Trading?
How Amibroker can be used for Automated Trading
Trading Logic Vs Execution Logic
Understanding the API Functions & API Documentation
Testing the API using Postman
Building your First Execution Module
Learn to Code Trading Strategies using Amibroker
How to Design a Trading System
Creating an Intraday Breakout Trading System using Amibroker
Creating a Position Breakout Trading System using Amibroker
How to Send automated Orders using Amibroker
How to Create Bracket Order & Cover Order Trading Strategies.
How to trail the stoploss using Order Modification Trading Strategies.
How to Create Pair Trading Strategies using Amibroker
Implementing Slicing of Orders in Amibroker for Large Orders
Introduction to Slippages and Slippage Handling with Algos
Strategy Optimization, Walkforward and Monte Carlo
Option Basic Terminologies
Option Payoff Graph
Opton Pricing
How to Send Option Orders using Futures/Spot Charts
Understanding Options Greeks
Understanding Vertical Spreads, Calendar & Diaognal Spreads
Automatic Scalping the Spreads.
Scalping the Spreads using Amibroker
How to Create a Expiry Day Automated Scalping System using Amibroker.
How to Create Multi Legged Option Trading Strategies.
Portfolio Trading Strategies
How to select Portfolio of stocks
Evaluating portfolio & strategy performance
Risk Management: Risk evaluation & mitigation, risk control systems
Position Sizing & Kelly Criterion.
How to Implement Straddle & Strangle using Amibroker
How to Implement Gamma Scalping using Amibroker
How to Implement Automated Butterfly & Iron Condors using Amibroker
How to Implement Hedged Futures Trading Strategy
What is an Options Trading Adjustment
How to Implement Option Trading Adjustments
Best Trading & Coding Practices
Programming and Software Development
AmiBroker is equipped with a powerful formula language allowing you to write trading system rules, define your own indicators, trading system and trade automation.
NinjaScript is a C# based language that allows you to create custom indicators, strategies, chart types, strategy automation & robust trading system design.
TradingView has designed its own scripting language called Pine Script. It allows users to create custom indicators and strategies which runs on the Tradingview cloud.
Python has become the go-to quant research and development language. Python and its eco-system of powerful packages is the technology platform of choice for algorithmic trading.
Use metatrader quote language to you can create your own indicators , Expert Advisors that make trading management automated and are perfectly suitable for implementing your own trading strategies.
Matlab provides various toolbox to develop, backtest and delpoy various algorithmic trading applications that detect and exploit market movements. It lets you to analyzing transaction costs, accessing trade and quote pricing data.
EasyLanguage is developed by TradeStation and built into its electronic trading platform.It is used to create custom indicators for financial charts and also to create algorithmic trading strategies for the market.
Most macro traders or portfolio managers rely on quantitative statistical analysis. R supports vast arrays of visualizations, which are essential in financial research for building intuition and trust in statistical findings.
Software Development
One way to rapidly improve your quant trading workflow is to learn some basic techniques from software development. Version control, unit testing and best practices are all discussed here.
There are no prerequisites to this course. You can do this course if you have never coded or haven't seen a console window. The learning curve is steep since you are learning a programming language and its usage in financial markets. It is recommended that you show commitment towards learning to gain most out of the course.

Full Time Trader

Mr.Rajandran is a Full-time trader, Trading System Developer and founder of Marketcalls & Co-Creator of Algomojo, trades mostly using discretionary Trading Concepts like Market Profile, Trading sentimental analysis, building timing models, algorithmic trading models.
He Instructs professional traders, full time traders & aspiring full-time traders. Rajandran attended college in the Chennai where he earned a BE in Electronics and Communications.
Rajandran has a broad understanding of trading software like Amibroker, Ninjatrader, Esignal, Metastock, Motivewave, Market Analyst(Optuma), Metatrader, Tradingivew, Python,R, Matlab and understands individual needs of traders and investors utilizing a wide range of methodologies.
Program Fee
Rs. 12,500
(Inclusive of all Taxes)
Features / Benefits
- Total 45 hours of Course Content
- Tradestudio 3 Months
- Recording session access
- Amibroker Backtesting and Amibroker Scanner and Exploration Course access
- Private Trading community access
Rs. 17,500
(Inclusive of all Taxes)
Features / Benefits
- Total 30 hours of Course Content
- Tradestudio 3 Months
- Recording session access
- Amibroker Backtesting and Amibroker Scanner and Exploration Course access
- Private Trading community access
Rs. 25,000
(Inclusive of all Taxes)
Features / Benefits
- Total 75 hours of Course Content
- Tradestudio 6 Months
- Recording session access
- Amibroker Backtesting and Amibroker Scanner and Exploration Course access
- Private Trading community access
Frequently Asked Questions
When will I have access to the course content, including videos and strategies?
You will gain access to the entire course content including videos and strategies, as soon as you complete the payment and successfully enroll in the course.
Will I get a certificate at the completion of the course?
Yes, you will be awarded with a certification of excellence after successfully completing the online learning units.
Is there any support available after I purchase the course?
Yes, you will be provided access to the lifetime Slack Community. Where you can ask your queries related to Trading System Design and Development.
Is the course downloadable?
Presentation material, AFL codes discussed in the Qunatzilla module will available for Download.
Is there a refund available?
We respect your time and hence, we offer concise but effective short-term courses created under professional guidance. We try to offer most value within the shortest time. Once a purchase is made, we offer complete course content. We follow no refund policy.
What are the system requirements to do this course?
Fast-speed internet connection and a browser application are required for this course. For best experience, use Chrome.